EdTech Mission & Vision

The Ed-Tech Department serves the mission of Upper Cape Regional Technical High School by positioning the school at the forefront of technology utilization in secondary education. It is our work to produce within the UCT learning community, consumers of information who can think critically to access, evaluate and select appropriate information and technological devices.

Through ongoing needs assessment, our department researches, tests, and deploys technology products and services that promote higher order thinking in an authentic, transformative learning environment. In support of our increasingly diverse learning community, we uphold Universal Design for Learning principles administered through integrated software, hardware, and 1:1 mobile computing devices. We encourage and foster external collaboration and global connections by providing a safe and secure online experience to all UCT technology users.

As pioneers in educational technology, we continuously acquire and disseminate the most current technical information and practical advice regarding current, new and emerging technologies. It is our duty to maintain an infrastructure in accordance with industry best practices to support educators in their utilization of technology to engage students in authentic learning experiences and to engender lifelong learning.

Welcome to EdTech!

The UCT EdTech Team Offers educational technology services to UCT faculty, staff and students including:

  • Password Resets

  • Chromebook Support

  • Google Apps Support  

  • Hardware & Software Troubleshooting

  • Application Training

  • Classroom Technology Research & Recommendations

  • Professional Development Offerings

  • Exploring Emerging Technologies & Innovations

The EdTech Department is located off of the library. Students and staff are welcome to drop in between 7:00 and 3:30 during schooldays.

Device Insurance

UCT has partnered with Worth Ave. Group to provide comprehensive insurance policies for our UCT student devices (Chromebooks). If you decide to insure your student device (which we highly recommend!), the insurance policy must be renewed every school year in order to cover the device.

Click here to visit the Worth Ave. Group Upper Cape Tech insurance policy enrollment page.

**Please note that payment must be made through the Worth Ave. Group website, UCT and the EdTech Department are not able to accept payments for insurance policies in school.**