
Grade 9

  • English 1 CP2 (1cr)

  • English 1 CP1 (1cr)

Grade 10

  • English CP1 (1cr)

  • English CP2 (1cr)

  • English Honors (1cr)

Grade 11

  • English CP1 (1cr)

  • English CP2 (1cr)

  • English Honors (1cr)

Grade 12

  • AP English (1cr)

CP1: College Preparation

This curriculum offers basic skills in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Incorporated within the curriculum are papers, reports and long term projects. Support is provided as needed. Homework in the College Preparation 1 curriculum is assigned daily to reinforce and master the concepts and skills included in this program. College Preparation 1 courses are designed to prepare students for employment or for two-year colleges and technical schools.

CP2: College Preparation

This curriculum offers advanced course work in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Research papers, reports and long term projects are incorporated into the College Preparation 2 Curriculum. Students participating in the College Preparation 2 Curriculum are encouraged to work independently on all assignments and projects. College Preparation 2 courses prepare students to enter two- and four- year colleges and universities.