Upper Cape Tech Craft Fair

The Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical School in Bourne, MA holds one of the area's largest craft fairs each November.  The PTO's only fundraiser, the fair attracts 150 crafters from across New England and 3000+ customers.  It creates Cape bridge traffic typical of a summer weekend. This year's event will be held at UCT on November 23rd and November 24th.

Vendor Information

Registration for the 29th Annual American Made Professional Arts & Crafts Fair is Now Open

 Saturday & Sunday, November 23rd and 24th 2024.

10:00AM - 3:30PM

The Upper Cape Tech Craft Fair allows its existing vendors to renew this spaces prior to offering them to new vendors.  Any available spaces will be posted the morning after that year’s craft fair in our online store at https://uctpto.3dcartstores.com/.  When no more spaces remain, the online store will automatically collect contact information for our waiting list.  Accessing this website is the only way you can register for a space or join our waiting list.  We do not accept applications or additions to our waiting list via email. The waiting list does not carryover from year to year. You must reregister each year to be included on the current year’s waiting list. 

Spaces are $135 for an 81 sq. ft. booth.  When booths are displaying a price of $1135, they are not for sale to the general public.  You must be an existing crafter renewing your space, with a code, to register at that time.